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What is Malware?

‘Malware’ is a combination of two words – malicious and software. Learn to Avoid these types of malware.

Pirated Content? Don’t Do It, It's No Bargain

There’s a difference between getting quality at a discount and paying “less” for stolen goods.

Learn a little

About Our Mission

StreamSafely provides safe resources and information about the risks involved with accessing television/streaming entertainment and film through illegal, pirate services and unauthorized password sharing.

The facts and recommendations are designed to keep consumers safe while also protecting the intellectual property and livelihoods of all who produce and distribute the content we enjoy, including movies, TV and streaming shows, sports, and special events. StreamSafely is overseen by the non-profit organization CTAM on behalf of its members working in media, entertainment, and technology.

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How To Watch Super Bowl 2025: Your Ultimate Streaming Guide

The excitement is building as we look forward to the end of the NFL season with the grand spectacle of the 2025 Super Bowl...
Netflix on an Imac

Breaking Down the History of Streaming Services and Technology

The history of streaming services represents one of the most significant transformations in how we consume entertainment. From grainy videos that took ages to...
A collection of abstract blue cubes set against a dark backdrop, emphasizing depth and geometric design.

How Blockchain Technology Could Help Combat Digital Piracy

As the prevalence of piracy and illegal streaming platforms loom large, blockchain used for anti-piracy measures could be a groundbreaking approach to protecting intellectual...
A person's hand holding a remote control

Illegal Sports Streaming Stats You Need To Know

Few things are better than the feeling of grabbing your device and switching on your favorite team’s big game. We love to dress up...
Captain America Brave New World Poster

Captain America: Brave New World

Following the epic success of “Deadpool & Wolverine,” Marvel Studios is gearing up to hit another one out of the park in its next...
A person clutches a comic book, featuring eye-catching graphics.

The Ongoing War Against Manga Piracy: Top Legal Alternatives and Industry...

Manga, Japanese-style graphic novels and comic books, were once considered niche, but that isn’t the case anymore. The global manga industry is experiencing tremendous...